The dazzling region of Tejo Internacional is the ideal place for birdwatchig, enclosing beautiful landscapes and a great diversity of habitats, from the river valleys, well preserved Mediterranean scrubland and cliffs to the holm oak forests and meadows where extensive agriculture and sheep herding were done for centuries. In this mosaic of habitats a great diversity of species can be found. Over 210 species of vertebrates have been recorded at this region, of which 140 are birds.
Several of these species have a restricted distribution in Europe, being many of them confined to Iberia and some are threatened but are locally easy to observe, such as the Iberian imperial eagle, Bonelli’s, Booted and Short-toed eagles, Cinereous, Griffon and Egyptian vultures, Eagle owl, Pin-tailed sandgrouse, Red-necked nightjar, Short-toed and Thekla larks, Blue rock trush, Black and Black-eared wheatears, Dartford, Spectacled, Sub-alpine and Orphean warblers, Azure-winged magpies and Rock and Spanish sparrows. Other species that can be seen here include Red-legged-partridge, Red-rumped and Rock swallows, Hopooe, Bee-eater, Cirl and rock buntings.
Main birdwatching spots– Herdade da Poupa – organises highly professional guided tours in the estate and surrounding areas as well as in other areas of the country (for longer programmes) that will allow clients to enjoy the best birding trips Portugal has to offer– Portas de Ródão– Monsanto– Penha Garcia– Ladoeiro. Zebreira and Brozas– Idanha-a-Nova
Bird speciesGiven its importance, we will highlight the following bird species: the black stork, the Royal eagle, the Imperial eagle, the Bonelli eagle, the Egyptian vulture, the griffon, the Eurasian Eagle-owl, the booted eagle, the lesser kestrel and the white stork.
Black Stork (Ciconia nigra)It is an endangered species that you can only find very specific regions of Portugal. It builds its nests on on cliffs and large trees, often in harsh areas. This species is more frequent on the most arid and isolated areas of the interior, as is the case of the Tagus valley and some of its tributaries. This nesting species remains in Portugal between February and September.
Royal Eagle, (Aquila chrysaetos)This is an endagered species “in danger” that needs large hunting grounds with little human presence and cliffs for nesting. In the case of this protected area, this species nests on the steep slopes of the river and its tributaries.
Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus)This species inhabits the sparsely populated interior with few trees, nesting on the cliffy warm valleys, preferring wide hunting areas, where they build their nests. Its population sees to be in decline, as it happens in Europe. This species can be seen in Tejo Internacional in February.
Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus)Most of the existing griffon population n our country is today limited to the valleys of the Douro and the cliffs of Tejo Internacional. In the Natural Park of Tejo Internacional, this bird can be seen along the rivers Tagus and Erges, especially in Segura and Salvaterra.