Described for the first time in Portugal in 1805, the orchid species Neotinea tridentata subsp. conica was by that time known as Orchis conica. Its tiny flowers resemble angels and are beautifully fragile.
Even though they are not as common as other orchids in the Natural Park of Aire and Candeeiros Mountains, there can still be found dozens of these impressive orchids, some of them in more sheltered spots. They can be 10 to 25 cm high.
It is quite hard to find a totally white flower. Usually, the flowers are whitish rose, spread along a cone-shaped cob. They present a three-lobbed lip - hence the name "tridentata" - consisting of two arms and a cloak. The lance-shaped leaves are often larger than the stem.
Definitely, a sight for sore eyes!
Photo credits: Luís Afonso