Fundão offers countless events throughout the year, such as the Transhumance Festival – Chocalhos. You can not miss the exceptional landscape setting of Serra da Gardunha, the renovated Picadeiro Palace in Alpedrinha and the Historical Village of Castelo Novo. Here you can find quality hotels at the forefront of modernity which will surprise you.
The cherriesTo pick up cherries is a way of celebrating our senses. It is a feast enriched by different textures of regional cherry varieties. Their common denominator is being red, fleshy and delicious.
AlpedrinhaNoble, elegant and sumptuous, resting upon the calm lap of Gardunha, it has the sweetness of days going by as cherries are tasted.
Castelo NovoThe enchantment of the east side of Gardunha mountain range. In July wind miracles take place there under the new moon.
A cherry landscapeThere are thousands of flowers. As days grow longer cherry, peach and apple tree flowers arrive! Unique landscapes starting in Fundão and broadening to Covilhã and Belmonte.