Some food products have unique characteristics, conferred by certain specific features associated with the territory where they were produced, strongly influenced by its history, geography and culture. These products are associated with characteristic elements of a given territory, such as the production system and method, the soil and climate characteristics, the genetic heritage, the traditions and local know-how.Portugal has a considerable number of qualified fruits, due to its soil and climate conditions for the production of high quality fruit, in which the fruits are differentiated from others by their flavour, aroma and colour. These conditions have given Portugal a long fruit-growing tradition.The cherry production is developed between the Gardunha, Estrela and Malcata Mountains, in Cova da Beira, region with excellent climatic conditions for fruit growing, and soils with ideal conditions for the development of the cherry tree.The cherry production in Fundão is associated to a set of landscape and cultural values, which are already translated by several relevant initiatives: fairs, circuits, cherry in flower, among others.
To pick up cherries is a way of celebrating our senses. It is a feast enriched by different textures of regional cherry varieties. Their common denominator is being red, fleshy and delicious.